
“Tiny forests”, los pop ups de la naturaleza en las grandes ciudades

“Tiny forests”, los pop ups de la naturaleza en las grandes ciudades

Hace unos días visité Utrecht por motivos laborales. Una de las tardes que allí pasé, estuve intentando refugiarme de las altas temperaturas de esta ola de calor con un paseo por la naturaleza. Permíteme que me ponga un poco bucólico en esta introducción, pero considero que el tono ayudará a que te pongas en situación: Es una cálida tarde de junio, y entre olmos y sauces, una urraca par…

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Tecnología Blockchain y Real Estate

Tecnología Blockchain y Real Estate

Hace días que mantengo una conversación interna sobre si resulta fácil identificar, a estas alturas, un sector que no se haya visto afectado por la irrupción de la tecnología blockchain dentro de los servicios financieros. Desde transacciones de pago hasta adquisición de acciones, empresas de capital de riesgo y la cadena logística en el suministro de alimentos, el blockchain tiene una pres…

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Metaverso y Real Estate

Metaverso y Real Estate

Hace unos días tuve la oportunidad de descubrir qué era esto del Metaverso. No me refiero a conocerlo en un plano conceptual, pues, como la mayoría, llevo mucho tiempo leyendo la infinidad de artículos que aparecen a diario en prensa, tanto especializada como generalista, así como viendo vídeos que hablan de las bondades y posibilidades de esta tecnología. En realidad, me refiero a que tuve…

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How the Russian-Ukrainian crisis could affect the Real Estate market

How the Russian-Ukrainian crisis could affect the Real Estate market

Excuse me for taking the liberty today to share this thought with you; I suppose it is inevitable to take part of my daily thoughts into a conflict as undesirable as the current one. Undoubtedly, the impact of the war in Ukraine on the world economy, as well as the economic sanctions against Russia and the domino effect that this entails on global markets, will have repercussions in many sectors, …

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Dubai: thriving city for real estate market

Dubai: thriving city for real estate market

Why write about Dubai now? Surely this is one of the questions you may be asking yourself after reading the headline of the article. The answer is really simple and is based on two premises: 1. Real estate transactions have grown more than 300% during this month of January; 2. Dubai will be my new personal and professional destination. If you have not followed the evolution of Real Estate in this …

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 A reflection on the role of cryptocurrencies in Real Estate

A reflection on the role of cryptocurrencies in Real Estate

A few days ago, just before the end of 2021, I was at an online congress in which I coincided with several colleagues. In it, the future of Real Estate was discussed and how the implementation of technological innovations is affecting, in one way or another, the sector. Among the topics raised, I found quite interesting the presentation of Dr. Neil Pennington, senior advisor of strategy and innova…

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Buy to Rent.

Buy to Rent.

The return on the purchase intended for rental

These last few months have been busy weeks for me. Fluctuating with the sector is a technique that I consider essential to be able to read the present and understand the future of Real Estate. In my case, it is not only about holding business meetings and study trips to other countries and cities to be able to analyze diverse markets, but also about having a continuous presence in conferences rela…

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Game of homes!

Game of homes!

Baby Boomers vs. Millennials

Last weekend I attended a conference on the future of Real Estate. As in most of these professional meetings, the most interesting thing lies in the public reflections that are generated and not so much in the search for concrete answers by the speakers. In my case, what I took away from this last appointment was the exchange of vision I had during the coffee break on the second day with two colle…

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Hybrid workplaces

Hybrid workplaces

Designing smart workplaces with key strategies for our businesses

Summer is a time of year when I can reflect more calmly on what's going on around me. And I don't just mean to contemplate what happens within the professional field, but to acquire a sense of where I am at each moment and what the space in which I am offers me. I think I will explain myself better with an example: this August I was able to take a small vacation, a short break to recharge energy a…

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Behinde the Hype: what 5G means to Real Estate

Behinde the Hype: what 5G means to Real Estate

Although I have the habit of always staying informed and adopting the routine of having breakfast in front of the digital press, one cannot help but have the feeling of not being able to cover everything. Information travels so fast that it is impossible to assimilate it in its entirety. In addition, I am not a person to settle for headlines, and not only for an interest in delving into the news b…

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New York, the return of a more resilient and strengthened city

New York, the return of a more resilient and strengthened city

The return of a more resilient and strengthened city

I don't know if you've read the article before this, in which I began by referring to the dinner shared with a couple from Barcelona who had been living in New York for more than fifteen years. "I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps, and realize that I am the king of the hill..." the great Frank Sinatra sang in reference to the Big Apple; those of us who have been to New York more than onc…

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From mega-regions to micro-households. Cities of the future

From mega-regions to micro-households. Cities of the future

Future Cities

A few days ago, a friend invited me to a dinner where we met another couple who had been living in New York for more than fifteen years: Miquel and Anaïs. Of course, much of the conversation revolved around their experience in this great city before drifting into common reflections on the development and transformation that cities faced once we left the pandemic behind. In fact, Miquel pointed ou…

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First year WITH YOU

Thank you for being WITHUS! Starting this writing with the WITHYOU word game is our way of thanking you for joining us during our first year of existence. 2020 has proved an atypical year, where a new global challenge is testing us in many areas beyond social ones. But great opportunities also arise from the most difficult times. Tacking changes with the optimal combination of experience, talent, …

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PropTech: Revolutionizing real estate with disruptive technology

PropTech: Revolutionizing real estate with disruptive technology

Recent history has shown that the way companies in different sectors can remain relevant in the market is through disruptive innovation. To this end, smart leaders in the real estate sector are leveraging emerging technologies while others avoid new tools. The technology applied to the Real Estate is what we know as PropTech. In a society whose epicenter orbits around technology, even if we are no…

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City walks, the trend of discovering cities without leaving home

City walks, the trend of discovering cities without leaving home

Have you visited Athens? Have you been to Berlin? Have you walked the streets of Rome, Milan or Venice? And have you discovered amazing corners in London, Paris, Barcelona or Madrid? Travelling has become a common pleasure for millions of people, but the current situation caused by the COVID pandemic has changed everything, and moving around other countries has now become very complicated. Fortuna…

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How the metro in Spain helped build a city

How the metro in Spain helped build a city

The largest underground rail transport network in continental Europe, the Madrid Metro, has transformed the life of Europe's third largest city. In 2020, the Madrid Metro celebrated a century of constant progress and expansion. Fancy discovering his story?   Alfonso XIII carried out some of the most ambitious urban renovation and development projects that his capital had ever experienced: The exp…

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How Visual Storytelling benefits real estate marketing. The vision of Matthew Rollins and Scott Haws.

How Visual Storytelling benefits real estate marketing. The vision of Matthew Rollins and Scott Haws.

A new type of real estate marketing based on visual storytelling, is helping the economic development of the real estate since a few months ago. Based on more experienced communication, this type of storytelling gives home buyers the opportunity to experience life in a resort without having to get on a plane, simplifying, in some cases even, contract closures. It is a technique aimed at influencin…

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Trends for 2021 in building design and architecture

Trends for 2021 in building design and architecture

In many ways, architectures, in itself, an art form. It evolves over time and continually challenges the status quo. However, unlike other   means of artistic expression, architecture requires mathematical precision and is largely based on functionality. Designing buildings is often limited by budget, time, or material aspects. However, despite the challenges, today's architects have managed to c…

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Singapore and vertical green buildings

Singapore and vertical green buildings

Throughout history, the world's population has lived in general in rural areas. In the 19th century, at least 90% of the world's population lived in the countryside, while the urban population made up less than 10%. With the development of trade, people changed that lifestyle, drifting  into urban life as cities became nuclei  of  commerce. As industrial production became widespread, migration …

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  Co-living: Passenger phenomenon?

Co-living: Passenger phenomenon?

The cities of the future will be measured by their sustainability, flexibility and habitability. The way we live is changing radically and, today, people seek greater freedom of movement, access to technology and a more global coexistence; advantages that come from the hand of 'co-living' but, could the COVID pandemic affect the continuity of this concept?   Since the Industrial Revolution, our s…

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Arquitectura Adaptativa:  Dando una segunda vida a los edificios

Arquitectura Adaptativa: Dando una segunda vida a los edificios

La pandemia COVID 19 ha generado cambios sin precedentes en cómo vivimos, trabajamos, socializamos o aprendemos. Obligándonos a replantear, entre otros, la función de los edificios a los que ya no tenemos necesidad de acudir para realizar estas actividades. Y creando la oportunidad de adaptar estos espacios a la nueva realidad.¿Y si replanteáramos su propósito para preservar nuestro pasado y…

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“Home office”, la oficina que deseamos en el espacio que soñamos

“Home office”, la oficina que deseamos en el espacio que soñamos

¿Sabías que existen datos que evidencian el descenso en la demanda del espacio de oficinas entre un 10-20%? La situación provocada por el COVID-19 nos está enseñando que el teletrabajo, no es solo posible, sino que resulta una solución óptima en muchos casos. Hoy en día, después de recuperar paulatinamente la actividad presencial en diversas oficinas, existen todavía numerosas personas q…

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Chair Times, la silla como ese objeto del deseo…¡Y del diseño!

Chair Times, la silla como ese objeto del deseo…¡Y del diseño!

Para los obsesionados del diseño, pocos objetos generan tanta atención y conversación ¡como las sillas! Pese a que para muchos no deja de ser un elemento que forma parte del mobiliario, para los amantes del diseño, la silla resulta un elemento clave para representar los valores de esta disciplina. Para todos aquellos que compartimos esta pasión, no podemos dejar pasar la oportunidad de disfr…

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“The Green City Accord” la iniciativa de la UE para ciudades más verdes y saludables

“The Green City Accord” la iniciativa de la UE para ciudades más verdes y saludables

Los retos medioambientales son una preocupación creciente para las ciudades europeas. La contaminación del aire es la principal causa de enfermedad y fallecimiento prematuro, la calidad de las masas de agua está bajo presión significativa y las aguas residuales todavía no se tratan correctamente en dos tercios de los estados miembros de la UE. En paralelo, la contaminación acústica incremen…

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“Workation”: La nueva forma de trabajar, desde tu destino favorito

“Workation”: La nueva forma de trabajar, desde tu destino favorito

Practicado durante décadas por artistas, escritores o directores de cine que decidían dejar sus residencias habituales y marcharse durante una temporada a un lugar tranquilo, donde inspirarse, el nuevo contexto COVID-19 y los confinamientos forzados recuperan esta tendencia como alternativa al teletrabajo desde casa.¿ Te apuntas? Nacido de la conjugación de los términos: “work” -trabajar …

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Asimilando el impacto de la crisis COVID-19 en el activo cultural de las ciudades

Asimilando el impacto de la crisis COVID-19 en el activo cultural de las ciudades

Las grandes ciudades del mundo están trabajando arduamente para comprender el impacto de la crisis de COVID-19 en el sector cultural local. Pese a que la mayoría lo están realizando de manera individual, casi todas ellas coinciden en un mismo punto clave: Compartir datos y aprovechar la tecnología de las ciudades inteligentes resulta crucial para la recuperación y renovación de sus sociedade…

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El “espíritu del verano” en Europa capturado en fotografías impresionantes

El “espíritu del verano” en Europa capturado en fotografías impresionantes

Este será un verano atípico para todos nosotros; la situación provocada por la pandemia del COVID-19 nos invita a reflexionar, entre otras muchas cosas, sobre el presente, pasado y futuro de cómo disfrutamos de nuestras vacaciones. La fotógrafa de viajes Lucy Laucht nos ayuda a realizar este ejercicio mediante una invitación a viajar sin salir de casa, transportándonos a paisajes mediterrá…

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5 libros esenciales para entender el diseño del ‘Mid Century’

5 libros esenciales para entender el diseño del ‘Mid Century’

Cuando pensamos en el diseño heredado del ‘Mid Century’ nuestra mente evoca imágenes extraídas de la escenografía de esa delicia de serie que es ‘Mad Men’: líneas detalladas, sencillas y puras que buscan, ante todo, la funcionalidad pero sin descuidar la forma, alejándose de la exuberancia y de la opulencia. Pero la profundidad y complejidad del diseño que surge en plena época de l…

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Rita Chraibi, Diseñadora de Interiores: El COVID-19 nos ha enseñado que nuestro hogar es lo más valioso que tenemos

Rita Chraibi, Diseñadora de Interiores: El COVID-19 nos ha enseñado que nuestro hogar es lo más valioso que tenemos

Rita Chraibi es todo un referente dentro del diseño de interiores. De origen marroquí-francés, esta interiorista ha trabajado en importantes proyectos distribuidos a lo largo de Europa, Oriente Medio y África del Norte. Recientemente, su firma, International Designers, abrió una nueva oficina en Miami. Una oficina en la que Rita ha pasado varias semanas confinada durante la pandemia y desde l…

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REMOURBAN: Regeneración y digitalización urbana de las ciudades

REMOURBAN: Regeneración y digitalización urbana de las ciudades

¿Cómo pueden las ciudades aprovechar los beneficios de la digitalización para optimizar sus recursos? El proyecto europeo “Smart Cities and Communities, REMOURBAN” nace con la idea de ofrecer a los entornos urbanos un conjunto de herramientas prácticas para transformar las ciudades en ecosistemas inteligentes y sostenibles.   Durante estas últimas semanas hemos visto como los principale…

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‘The Summer Starts HERE’ Staycation como alternativa al concepto “vacaciones” tradicional

‘The Summer Starts HERE’ Staycation como alternativa al concepto “vacaciones” tradicional

¿Recuerdas la mítica frase de Bruce Lee “Be water, my friend”? El ser humano tiene la capacidad de adaptarse al entorno y a las circunstancias, transformando todo aquello que en un principio se manifiesta como un hándicap, en una oportunidad para explorar escenarios imprevistos y, en muchas ocasiones desconocidos. La pandemia provocada por el COVID-19 nos ha puesto a prueba como sociedad y …

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